patrizio maiavacca

Il libretto rosso delle ricette / The little red book of recipes

Il libretto rosso delle ricette
Mia mamma amava cucinare, era una cuoca bravissima; trascriveva le ricette preferite su un libretto rosso che - ricordo fin da bambino - era una presenza costante in cucina, in quanto oggetto di frequente consultazione da parte sua.
Ma il tempo purtroppo passava e le pietanze che la mamma cucinava diventavano sempre meno curate ed elaborate di una volta, ma la passione per i fornelli, quella c’era sempre e il libretto rosso era lì, testimone di profumi e sapori che custodirà per sempre fra le sue pagine.

The little red book of recipes
My mother loved cooking, she was a very good cook; he wrote down his favorite recipes in a little red book which - I remember since I was a child - was a constant presence in the kitchen, as it was an object of frequent consultation on his part.
But unfortunately time passed and the dishes that mother cooked became less and less careful and elaborate than they once were, but the passion for cooking was always there and the little red book was there, a witness to the aromas and flavors that it will preserve for always within its pages.
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